RC/Extract : Obtain the entire RI set
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RC/Extract : Obtain the entire RI set


Article ID: 232167


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RC/Extract for DB2 for z/OS


How to obtain the entire RI set without having to select each table manually.


DB2 for Z/OS

Release : R20


When a new source definition is created the user must select the first table to be included in the extract. Normally, the next step is to manually select the child tables that are required to be part of the extract
one by one. 

If the entire RI set is required and there is no need to be selective , this can be done with a RC/Extract PROFILE option.

--------------------- RC/Extract Profile -------------------- yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm

RC/Extract Parameters:
  Display Hint Wizard           ===> N         ( Y - Yes, N - No )
  Optimize Extract              ===> Y         ( Y - Yes, N - No )
  Uppercase Output              ===> N         ( Y - Yes, N - No )
  Select Entire R/I Set         ===> Y         ( Y - Yes, N - No ) <-----------------
  Load Utility                  ===> PFL       ( IBM or PFL      )
  Display Batch Progress Report ===> Y         ( Y - Yes, N - No )
    Progress Report Increment   ===> 2000      ( 1000 - 99999 )
  Matchcase                     ===> ON        ( ON, OFF, CAPS )
                                   ON,  - Enables matchcase
                                   OFF, - Disables matchcase (SQL intensive)
                                   CAPS - Force object names to upper case.
  Extract view max column width ===> 0         ( 0-99999 )
  Extract view max records      ===> 0         ( 0-999999999 )

When "Select Entire R/I Set" is set to N, when the first table is selected only that table is added to the Source Definition.
When "Select Entire R/I Set" is set to Y, when the first table is selected then all the tables that are part of the RI set of the first table are automatically brought in to the Source definition for you.

If the first table is part of a large RI set then having to select each one would be a time consuming task.

If some of the tables selected are not required after all, the 'X' line command can be used to exclude them from the source definition. The "S" line command can be used to reinstate them if required.

The excluded tables can be seen using the MODESW command on the "Relationship Display Mode" where the EXCLSW setting shows "Show Excluded Objects". The EXCLSW command is a toggle between hiding and displaying the excluded tables. 

Additional Information

Profile Options

Object Versus Relationship Mode

Select Related Tables

Specify Extraction Parameters in Object Mode