After upgrading to 21.2.6 Spectrum and Performance Manager will not communicate
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After upgrading to 21.2.6 Spectrum and Performance Manager will not communicate


Article ID: 232126


Updated On:


CA Spectrum DX NetOps CA Performance Management - Usage and Administration


In the PCService.log file the following error is seen:

ERROR | -19811 | 2022-01-11 14:18:13,530 |
| Response was of unexpected text/html ContentType. Incoming portion of HTML stream:


<base href="http://hostname:8080/axis2/">
<title>Axis2 :: Internal server error</title>
<link href="axis2-web/css/axis-style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">

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<td align="right"><img src="axis2-web/images/axis_l.jpg" alt="AXIS Logo"></td>
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<h1>Internal server error</h1>
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Testing the connection also fails from the data source page.
Attempting to access the Spectrum Tomcat Host's Axis2 page, results in an internal server error.
The following error is also seen in the PCService.log on the PC Portal host when the Test of the Spectrum Data Source fails.
INFO   | jvm 1    | 2022/01/26 16:42:42 | INFO  | qtp1143535170-374        | 2022-01-26 16:42:42,323 | INFO   | jvm 1    | 2022/01/26 16:42:42 |       | Test DataSource: Spectrum Infrastructure Manager@<SpectrumOCHost>
INFO   | jvm 1    | 2022/01/26 16:42:42 | INFO  | qtp1143535170-374        | 2022-01-26 16:42:42,324 | org.apache.cxf.wsdl.service.factory.ReflectionServiceFactoryBean INFO   | jvm 1    | 2022/01/26 16:42:42 |       | Creating Service {}IDataSourceWSService from class INFO   | jvm 1    | 2022/01/26 16:42:42 | ERROR | qtp1143535170-374        | 2022-01-26 16:42:42,423 | INFO   | jvm 1    | 2022/01/26 16:42:42 |       | Received WebServiceException from version check for data source Spectrum Infrastructure Manager@<SpectrumOCHost>.  CAUSE=org.apache.cxf.transport.http.HTTP


Release : 21.2

Component : Spectrum Integrations


For a currently unknown and undetermined reason the axis2.war is not properly deployed during upgrades. No reproduction scenario has been found yet to show a root cause that can be resolved.


First, make sure that the user being used is a Spectrum Administrator account.

Next, the issue is likely due to Axis2 not being properly deployed after upgrade.

  1. Confirm the axis2.war file is present in the webapps directory
  2. Delete the $SPECROOT/tomcat/webapps/axis2 directory.
  3. Restart the Spectrum Tomcat Service
  4. Reset the HTTPS configuration in axis2.xml if using HTTPS for OC.
  5. Edit the $SPECROOT/tomcat/webapps/axis2/META-INF/context.xml file.
    1. Check if the file is present.
      1. If not found in the $SPECROOT/tomcat/webapps/axis2/META-INF directory a version is also found in the $SPECROOT/tomcat/webapps/spectrum/META-INF/ directory.
      2. Copy a version to the $SPECROOT/tomcat/webapps/axis2/META-INF/ directory if one is not present.
    2. Edit the $SPECROOT/tomcat/webapps/axis2/META-INF/context.xml file. Change this line:
      1. <Context path=“/spectrum” docBase=“spectrum”>
    3. Edit it to read as follows:
      1. <Context path=“/axis2” docBase=“spectrum”>
    4. Save the changes.
  6. Restart the Spectrum Tomcat Service.