How do I start and stop AAI and Insight Reporting Server Service properly?
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How do I start and stop AAI and Insight Reporting Server Service properly?


Article ID: 232114


Updated On:


Automic Automation Intelligence


How do I start and stop AAI and Insight Reporting Server Service properly?


Release : 6.4.1



For the AAI Server:


On Linux servers there is the script in the root install directory which has the following options.

/<install dir>/ 

Syntax ./ stop|stopsync|kill|startbg|startfg|restart|status|help
stop :Ask JAWS process to shut down.
stopsync :Shutdown JAWS process. Wait for shutdown and kill it if necessary.
kill :Kill JAWS process. When stop doesn't work.
startbg :Start JAWS in background with nohup.
startfg :Start JAWS in foreground. This option should be only used for testing.
restart :Stop JAWS process, wait for process to complete, then Start JAWS in background.
status :Get the status of the JAWS server.
help :Get this help page.


Best practice is to use "./ startbg" to start the AAI service in the background.  This will generate a nohup.out file in the directory where you ran it from, which you can use "tail -f nohup.out" to check the progress of the startup.


Best practice for stopping the service is to use "./ stopsync" to gracefully shut down the service.  This will initiate a 120 second countdown to allow time for any processes to complete before either stopping or killing the service.


It is also a best practice to verify AAI that the jboss process associated with the AAI service is down, before attempting to start up the service again.  You can verify this by running "ps -eaf | grep jboss", if you see any PID's associate with jboss, please kill these before attempting to start the service.


On Windows:

There is a Windows Service called "Automic Automation Intelligence" (JAWS on older versions) which you can find by going to the Windows search bar and typing "services.msc". 

From here the service can be started, stopped, or restarted.



Insight Reporting Server service



There is a in the reporting server install directory that can be started by the user that installed Insight. You cannot use root to start this service.

Below is the usage for this script:

/<install dir>/

./ help
usage: ./ help
./ (start|stop|restart|status)
./ (start|stop|restart|status) postgresql
./ (start|stop|restart|status) tomcat

help - this screen
start - start the service(s)
stop - stop the service(s)
restart - restart or start the service(s)
status - show the status of the service(s)


The script will start a Tomcat Process and a PostgreSQL process. 



There will be two desktop icons available to "Start JRS Service" and "Stop JRS Service" that can be used.

You can also start, stop, or restart the two services associated with Insight from Windows Services menu, there are two services:

jasperreportsPostgreSQL and jasperreportsTomcat