1. Create custom investment of Investment Extension.
2. Create subobject of the custom investment (A CIT Subobject)
3. Review the modern blueprint for the custom investment, Modules Tab
Take note of the Module name for this SubObject
4. In Classic Studio, on the investment subobject, make a name change to the object (Sub-Object for CIT)
5. Go back to modern blueprint for the custom investment.
6. Click Edit and navigate to the Modules tab to review the Module name for the sub-object.
Expected Results: The sub-object name change in classic should reflect in the Blueprint Modules as 'Sub-Object for CIT'.
Actual Results: The sub-object name change is not reflected in the Blueprint Modules; it still shows 'A CIT Subobject'.
This is reported as DE63848.
This is now a user story. There is not yet an ETA on when this will be addressed
During an object name change, the following tables are updated: