Wildfly Admin Interface (VNA_host:9990) disabled in 21.2.7
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Wildfly Admin Interface (VNA_host:9990) disabled in 21.2.7


Article ID: 232018


Updated On:


CA Virtual Network Assurance


In 21.2.7 VNA, the Wildfly Admin Interface has been disabled to remediate a known vulnerability.


Access to the VNA debug options will now be provided by the jboss-cli


Virtual Network Assurance

VNA 21.2.7 +




To edit debug levels (typically at the request of support):

  1. On the VNA host, change directory to <VNA install>/wildfly/bin
  2. (With VNA running) Connect JBoss CLI: ./jboss-cli.sh --connect
  3. List all loggers: [standalone@localhost:9990 /] /subsystem=logging:read-resource

You will see "loggers" listed in the output; VNA loggers will be listed along with other wildfly loggers.

  1. Set the logger level to "DEBUG" for the ACI Plugin

(as an example): [standalone@localhost:9990 /] /subsystem=logging/logger=ACI_PLUGIN:write-attribute(name=level,value=DEBUG)

The output will report the status of the operation along with the new logger level:


    "outcome" => "success",

    "result" => "DEBUG"


Additional Information

cd /opt/CA/VNA/wildfly/bin

[root@lab bin]# ./jboss-cli.sh --connect

[standalone@localhost:9990 /] /subsystem=logging:read-resource


Sample output:


    "outcome" => "success",

    "result" => {

        "add-logging-api-dependencies" => true,

        "use-deployment-logging-config" => true,

        "async-handler" => undefined,

        "console-handler" => {

            "CONSOLE" => undefined,

            "GATEWAY_CONSOLE" => undefined


        "custom-formatter" => undefined,

        "custom-handler" => undefined,

        "file-handler" => undefined,

        "filter" => undefined,

        "json-formatter" => undefined,

        "log-file" => {

            "error.log" => undefined,

            "gateway.log" => undefined,

            "oc.log" => undefined,

            "oc.log.1" => undefined,

            "oc.log.2" => undefined,

            "oc.log.3" => undefined,

            "server.log" => undefined


        "logger" => {

            "com.arjuna" => undefined,

            "io.jaegertracing.Configuration" => undefined,

            "org.jboss.as.config" => undefined,

            "sun.rmi" => undefined,

            "jacorb" => undefined,

            "jacorb.config" => undefined,

            "org.reflections" => undefined,

            "org.apache.camel" => undefined,

            "CACHING_SERVICE" => undefined,

            "IDENTITY_SERVICE" => undefined,

            "INVENTORY_SERVICE" => undefined,

            "PERSISTENCE_SERVICE" => undefined,

            "PERFORMANCE_SERVICE" => undefined,

"CLIENT_UPDATES" => undefined,

            "SOUTHBOUND_UPDATES" => undefined,

            "PLUGIN_SYSTEM" => undefined,

            "MOCK_DATA" => undefined,

            "GATEWAY_CORE" => undefined,

            "OC_CORE" => undefined,

            "OC_COMMON" => undefined,

            "OC_ACQUISITION" => undefined,

            "OC_SCRIPTING" => undefined,

            "EXAMPLE_PLUGIN" => undefined,

            "OC_BROADVIEW_PLUGIN" => undefined,

            "OPENSTACK_PLUGIN" => undefined,

            "CONTRAIL_PLUGIN" => undefined,

            "ODL_PLUGIN" => undefined,

            "NSX_PLUGIN" => undefined,

            "OPENVSWITCH_PLUGIN" => undefined,

            "ACI_PLUGIN" => undefined,

            "BVIEW_PLUGIN" => undefined,

            "ONE28T_PLUGIN" => undefined,

            "SILVERPEAK_PLUGIN" => undefined,

            "NUAGE_PLUGIN" => undefined,

            "NSXT_PLUGIN" => undefined,

            "REST_API" => undefined,

            "MERAKI_PLUGIN" => undefined,

            "VIPTELA_PLUGIN" => undefined,

            "VERSA_PLUGIN" => undefined,

            "VSPHERE_PLUGIN" => undefined,

            "AWS_PLUGIN" => undefined,

            "VELOCLOUD_PLUGIN" => undefined,

            "AGGREGATION_SERVICE" => undefined,

            "NOTIFICATION_PERSISTENCE_SERVICE" => undefined,

            "NOTIFICATION_SERVICE" => undefined,

            "FLOW_SERVICE" => undefined,

            "ERROR_LOGGER" => undefined,

            "org.hornetq.jms" => undefined,

            "org.hornetq.core.server" => undefined,

            "org.jboss.logging" => undefined


        "logging-profile" => undefined,

        "pattern-formatter" => {

            "PATTERN" => undefined,

            "COLOR-PATTERN" => undefined,

            "GATEWAY_LOGGING_PATTERN" => undefined


        "periodic-rotating-file-handler" => undefined,

        "periodic-size-rotating-file-handler" => undefined,

        "root-logger" => {"ROOT" => undefined},

        "size-rotating-file-handler" => {

            "FILE" => undefined,

            "GATEWAY_LOGGER" => undefined,

            "OC_LOGGER" => undefined,

            "GATEWAY_ERROR_LOGGER" => undefined


        "socket-handler" => undefined,

        "syslog-handler" => undefined,

        "xml-formatter" => undefined

