Using Identity Portal, the creation of an application (on the Access Rights tab) on the main IP server is not replicated instantly (as it was) to the other redundant server.
Release : 14.x
Component : SIGMA-Identity Suite
On Premise / JBoss Application Server
Incorrect cluster configuration
In the standalone.xml we require to make the following changes:
<property name="jgroups.bind_addr" value="xx.xx.xx.xx"/> - replace localhost with the actual IP of the host
<property name="sigma.portal.cache.infinispan.jgroups_cfg" value=Full path to "sigma-portal-jgroups-multicast.xml"/> (ie "C:\IdentityPortal\3rd-party-config-files\jgroups-cluster\sigma-portal-jgroups-multicast.xml")
<property name="sigma.hibernate.cache.infinispan.jgroups_cfg" value=Full path to "sigma-hibernate-jgroups-multicast.xml"/> (ie "C:\IdentityPortal\3rd-party-config-files\jgroups-cluster\sigma-hibernate-jgroups-multicast.xml")