Unexpected results when using comparison operators in calls to Rally API
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Unexpected results when using comparison operators in calls to Rally API


Article ID: 231910


Updated On:


Rally Perpetual Hosted Rally SaaS Rally On-Premise


For the below query, I expect user story US704118 to be within the data returned but it's not.  This story has an accepted date of 4/30/21 ("AcceptedDate": "2021-04-30T19:00:11.050Z").
https://........query=(AcceptedDate = "2021-04-30")&fetch=true&start=1&pagesize=200

If I modify the start of the date range to be >"2021-04-30" through a later date (shown below), the story shows up in the data returned even though I would expect it not to.


This is "working as designed" since the full timestamp (including the time) is not included in the query.

The workaround for this issue, please add a time to your timestamp when you perform this query so you can retrieve the results you are looking for.

If you would like to create a feature request for a change in this behavior, please use the instructions in the following article to create a feature request for our product team:  https://knowledge.broadcom.com/external/article?articleId=145023  Our product team really does review these requests and will have your information in case they have any questions.