PM Patch Me installation error - Unable to get OS version and architecture information using WMIC
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PM Patch Me installation error - Unable to get OS version and architecture information using WMIC


Article ID: 231882


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CA Client Automation - IT Client Manager CA Client Automation - Patch Manager CA Client Automation - Software Delivery CA Client Automation


Execution of "PM - CA - Patch Me - Security IntelliRollup " Silent Install returns error like this on some computers.
Example :
Running SD job 1: UPM - CA - Patch Me - Security IntelliRollup v2112.00 - {3bc1bb8e-1bde-4d1d-abf7-94c7823eb9c4} Silent Install 1.0
SDjob 1 returns: 1 ExitCode: 1
In SD job output following errrors appear :
Command execution failed. Unable to get OS version and architecture information using WMIC.
Command execution failed. Unable to get Windows Update Service status using WMIC.
Checking for the prerequisites to perform cab based scan...
Powershell - Not Found
Unable to open the file C:\Windows\temp\osInfo.txt
PatchArray function failed


Client Automation - Any Versions


WMIC.exe is in directory C:\Windows\System32\Wbem

Make sure that C:\Windows\System32\Wbem is present in System variable PATH on the target machine

Otherwise add it 
1- Execute c:\windows\system32\SystemPropertiesAdvanced.exe
2- Click on Environment Variables
3- In System Variables, select PATH and click on Edit button :
4- Add the missing path C:\Windows\System32\Wbem at the end :