Need suggestions on below 2 points -
1) Will disabling TLS 1.0/1.1 have an impact on 4.5.3 cloakware/password authority A2A clients communicating with 3.4.5 PAM?
2) If we disable TLS in PAM GUI from configuration i.e. Configuration -> Security -> Access does it takes effect immediately or it needs any appliance reboot
Release : 4.5.3
Component : A2A
Since the Cloakware 4.5.3 client does not support TLS1.2 the client should not be able to communicate with CA PAM. Disabling TLS 1.1/1.0 will stop any new connections immediately from being made to the PAM appliance over those protocols but existing connections may not be terminated so you should plan a reboot after making the change to clear any existing connections.