How to create an ImageX OSIM OS image for Windows 10 x64 ?
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How to create an ImageX OSIM OS image for Windows 10 x64 ?


Article ID: 231855


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CA Client Automation - IT Client Manager CA Client Automation CA Client Automation - Software Delivery


How to create an ImageX OSIM OS image for Windows 10 x64 ?
Following documentation gives some details about the process :
This article is based on this documentation and gives more details and screenshots.


Client Automation 14.0 and 14.5. All versions



1- Create and install a Model PC using an OSIM job with the Boot and OS Image for Windows 10 x64 

Do not install ITCM Agent on it


2- Create a new OS Image of type "GETIMAGESX64-WIN10" using Image Prepare System Wizard - New OS Image :

In Microsoft ImageX path put the path where there are dism.exe, imagex.exe etc... files.

Example : C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Assessment and Deployment Kit\Deployment Tools\amd64\DISM

A directory like 
C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\DSM\Server\SDBS\var\managedpc\images\GETIMAGEX\GETIMAGEX
is created

Register this OS Image. It appears in Local OS Images :


3- On Model PC, created in step 1, create a OSIM job 

And set :
OSImage=GETIMAGEX (image name created in step 2)

CreateImage = prepare the model PC with sysprep

In ImageXImage put the name of the ImageX image (ex: ImageXTest)

Activate the OSIM job. When it is in pending state start the PC Model in PXE
The PC will reboot during the process, when the model computer is up again, login as an administrator to finish the prepare step.

4- On Model PC, created in step 1, create another OSIM job 

And set :
OSImage=GETIMAGEX (image name created in step 2)
In ImageXImage put the name of the ImageX image (ex: ImageXTest)
CreateImage = Capture model PC to boot server

Activate the OSIM job. When it is in pending state start the PC Model in PXE
When the process is terminated, PXE machine is shutting down and OSIM job is set to Stopped.
In Domain Manager, the captured image is stored under :
C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\DSM\Server\SDBS\var\managedpc\images\GETIMAGEX\GETIMAGEX\images\<MODEL PC NAME>\<ImageX Name>


5- Create a new OS Image of type IMAGEX64-WIN10

Follow the wizard steps and put name (GOLDEN_TEST)
In Source step, select "Local or Network Folder:" and put the path of ImageX captured image of step 4
Example :
C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\DSM\Server\SDBS\var\managedpc\images\GETIMAGEX\GETIMAGEX\images\TEST-WIN10\ImageXTest

Follow all wizards steps and click on Finish