Customer points new IM 14.4 in vApp to existing cloned IM 14.3 database, deploys IM service and notices the following error in wildfly-console.log upon starting up IM
ERROR ims.tmt.CreateDatabaseSchema Task Persistence database schema was not upgraded successfully.
Release : 14.4
Component : IdentityMinder(Identity Manager)
Missing cmpl_* tables in cloned IM 14.3 database before customer deployed IM 14.4
IM 14.4 doesn't use cmpl_* tables. However, when it detects IM 14.3 database the database upgrade scripts need to complete so that the database schema is marked with 14.4 version in tp_version table.
Within the upgrade script there is cmpl_* tables deletion and this script failed due to missing cmpl_* tables and tp_version table is not updated correctly. This is the reason of this issue.
Please run the following SQL update statement and after that restart IM and verify if the error is not happening anymore
update [dbo].[tp_version] set [tp_value]='';