ACF2 setup job CFF7JCL0(MAABURAD) details and example
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ACF2 setup job CFF7JCL0(MAABURAD) details and example


Article ID: 231816


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ACF2 - z/OS


Are there more details regarding the Factor Data that is configured in the sample installation JCL member JCL0(MAABURAD)? Is there a job with sample Factor Data fields?


Release : 16.0

Component : Advanced Authentication Mainframe


The following are additional details and examples regarding the AAM RADIUS configuration parameters. 

RADIUS factor name.
RADIUS_xxx where xxx Must be set to RSA, 
For example:  factorID:RADIUS_RSA

RADIUS server host name.
Primary RADIUS server CN domain name or IP address. This field specifies the fully qualified RADIUS server host name.
For example:  hostName:Radius_server01

RADIUS shared secret.
The RADIUS secret is unique to each system and will match the secret that the RADIUS server has. A shared secret is a text string that serves as a password between hosts. A shared secret is a character string that is configured on both the client hardware and on the RADIUS server. The maximum length of the shared secret is 256 bytes and is case sensitive. This field must be entered within double quotes.
For example:  Secret:"mysecret1"

RADIUS service port number.
This field indicates on which port(s)the authentication server(s) will listen on.  If the field is blank an authentication daemon will not be started. The value field must contain a numeric value, like "6666".  In this case a server daemon will listen on "6666". 
For example:  authPort:6666

RADIUS accounting port number. 
The same as service port.
For example:  acctPort:7777

z/OS LPAR host name
Specifies the host name of the z/OS LPAR where the request is originating.
For example:  origName:<>

For example the installation CFF7JCL0(MAABURAD) updated with the above examples:

//MAABUPIV EXEC     PGM=MAABUPIV,REGION=0M                          
//SYSPRINT  DD  SYSOUT=*                                            
//SYSIN     DD  *                                                   
SET                                  <-- Change to SET or GET       
factorID:RADIUS_RSA                  <-- name of factor (RADIUS_RSA)
hostName:Radius_server01             <-- Name of Radius server      
Secret:"mysecret1"                   <-- Radius shared secret       
authPort:6666                        <-- Radius auth port           
authPort:6666                        <-- Radius accounting port     
origName:<>                  <-- Name of z/OS LPAR        