A "Distribute Software" task has been created in GSS. After selecting the software package in the task, it is noticed the path contains several leading "..\..\..\" entries
Ghost Solution Suite 3.x
These leading "up a directory" entries are added automatically when using the option to "Copy files using Ghost Solution Suite then execute"
This option is found in the "advanced" settings in a Distribute Software task.
Because the files are copied using GSS, the path to the file is relative to the GSS eXpress share. Since the share (if default) is located at C:\Program Files (x86)\Altiris\eXpress\Deployment Server, the path first needs to go up 4 directories to get to the root of C: to then point to the path of the software package.
If the package is placed within the eXpress share, only a leading "." will be added (current working directory)
If either of the other 2 run options are selected, the full UNC path to the software package should be used (the console should tell you if the entry is not correct)
Place the software package in the eXpress share or leave the leading "up one directory" entries (..\..\..\)
Working as designed