commands to get alarm data from db.
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commands to get alarm data from db.


Article ID: 231722


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CA Workload Automation AE - Scheduler (AutoSys)


How to fetch the Alarm data from database for chase,max alarm, and failure count of previous month?


We do not recommend or encourage clients to query the db directly. The db tables and schema are for the product's use. Additional queries against the tables could impact things like the database's explain plans for the tables and lead to poor performance.  
Also the tables and schema, can and will, change from version to version.

We do not want clients to take time to develop a query only to find out it then does not work after they upgrade.

You can use "autoaggr -m" to see the number of alarms per month, including a break down of how many where of max runtime. You will also see Job Failure totals, events etc... There is not a statistic that includes a break down for CHASE specific alarms (alarm 514).

Unless you are keeping multiple months of history in the db the data is not going to be there for you to query. Your better option might be to go after the older event_demon log files and run some grep against them looking for the alarms you want. 

If you want to try a query you might try something like:
select count(*) from ujo_proc_event where alarm=514 and que_status_stamp > '31-MAY-21' and que_status_stamp < '01-JUL-21'

That would give you the CHASE alarms for the month on June.