Smart Jobstream dataset cross reference when migrating to the Broadcom r20 release.
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Smart Jobstream dataset cross reference when migrating to the Broadcom r20 release.


Article ID: 231708


Updated On:


Smart Restart Smart RRSAF


Upgrading from Relational Architects version 12 of Smart Jobstream to Broadcom Smart Jobstream version 20. 

Have discovered, in Endevor, several legacy Smart/RESTART datasets that are set up in processors. 
Most of these datasets are aliases and when upgrading from version to version in the past would change
the alias to point to the new vendor provided libraries.  Requirement to know what datasets to point these aliases
to upgrade to Smart Jobstream version 20 as the dataset suffixes have changed.


Reference the section in the Smart Jobstream 20.0 documentation titled Dataset Mapping.