The SCM workbech v14.1 64 bits is installed on machine A and the SCM Harvest server version 14.1 on server B (both windows SO)
The broker port and the range are configured in the (setopt direct_connect_port_range 2400,2499) and enabled bidirecional on the firewall
(broker: TCP_5101 and the range: TCP_2400-2499).
It is possible to connect through the workbench from machine A to harvest server B, and see the packages and associated files.However, the checkout of files is failing.
The following errors are seen on the logs:
Release : 14.0
This was solved by configuring the hosts file on windows client (c:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts), adding an entry on the file to resolve the server's IP address.
Alternatively, force the FQDN on the broker via environment variable.