AC VMWARE probe configuration fails with PPM MONS-023
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AC VMWARE probe configuration fails with PPM MONS-023


Article ID: 231583


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DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM)


AC VMWARE probe configuration fails with PPM MONS-023

Error captured in the PPM Log

Dec 10 05:35:16:658 [attach_socket, ppm] {"@class":"com.nimsoft.ids.ctd.response.CtdErrorResponse","errorCode":"PPM-023","errorMessage":" Error: Probe {0} on robot {1} is busy.","errorMessageArgs":["vmware","/example/example/example"],"resolution":" wait and retry loading configuration later."}
Dec 10 05:35:19:348 [attach_socket, ppm] Exception in  Closing session.
Dec 10 05:35:19:354 [attach_socket, ppm] (2) communication error, I/O error on nim session (S) com.nimsoft.nimbus.NimServerSession(Socket[addr=/xx.xx.x,port=57947,localport=48017]): Connection reset
 at com.nimsoft.nimbus.NimSessionBase.recv(

Dec 10 05:36:17:534 [attach_socket, ppm] Failed to check status against active probe /example/example/example/vmware
Dec 10 05:36:17:584 [attach_socket, ppm] (2) communication error, I/O error on nim session (C) com.nimsoft.nimbus.NimNamedClientSession(Socket[addr=/xx.xx.x,port=48016,localport=45894]): Read timed out


Release : DX UIM 20.4*/23.4*

Component : UIM - PPM

Release: DX UIM 20.33+baseline_engine 20.10, ppm 20.10+hub 9.33HF1+Controller 9.33HF6

vmware probe v7.15 on a tertiary hub (example) with the tunnel client role (3 levels below the Primary with Tunnel enabled) 
example hub (xx.xx.x) Tunnel client to Tunnel server -> example hub (xx.xx.xx) Tunnel client to Tunnel server -> example (xx.xx.xx) NO tunnel to Primary hub, 

vmware 7.15 on example hub with hub 9.33HF1, Controller 9.33HF6, PPM 20.10, baseline_engine 2.71

vcenter version is 6.7 update 3.


Provided the following recommendations:

1. Check the amount of memory assigned and used by the PPM probe on hub. 

a.  Check how much memory is used by the ppm probe when attempting to load the vmware configuration. Provided the following recommendations:

Ask the Server Admin to look at the process id for the ppm probe and confirm the amount memory used 

Example, you can identify the process id for the PPM probe in IM

Review the ..\Nimsoft\probes\service\ppm\ppm.cfg file to validate setup <options> memory settings.

Example of default settings:

   options = -Xms32m -Xmx1024m

2. Validate if the issue is related to the current vmware.cfg with the steps below.

Note: The cfg could be an issue since it was the Default Templates option enabled.

a. Deactivate the vmware probe

b. Save a copy of the existing ..\Nimsoft\probes\application\vmware folder, then delete from this folder

c. Redeploy the vmware to the exiting install, this will create a new vmware.cfg( this will not delete the existing templates)

d. Activate the vmware probe

e. Confirm if you can open the vmware probe without any issues.