Smart Jobstream installation SJSINST option 2 Smart RRSAF / 1 Profile does nothing
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Smart Jobstream installation SJSINST option 2 Smart RRSAF / 1 Profile does nothing


Article ID: 231542


Updated On:


Smart Restart Smart RRSAF


Copied all runtime libraries from sandbox LPAR to a production LPAR. 
Trying to go into Smart Jobstream installation ISPF dialog SJSINST and inside option
2 -Smart/RRSAF, options 1 for Profile or 2 for BIND do not work and do not provided
any error message, the panel options do nothing.


Site corrected the problem by deleting the DCA* libraries and recreating them.
Site used JCL CRAIJCL(SJSJSITE) to accomplish this. 

Internal testing recreated similar symptoms when the SJS Site-specific Libraries /
File Tailoring allocation was incorrect via SJSINST option: 
1  Base        - Specify Smart Jobstream Series base definitions / 
1  Libraries   - Verify target libraries for the Smart Jobstream Series