Upgrading the Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager (SEPM) upgrade process failed after Starting syncCatalog
The application event logs show the following error.
Event id: 7024
The Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager Webserver service terminated with the following service-specific error:
Incorrect function.
In the upgrade.log you can see the following error.
2021-12-16 18:47:23.277 THREAD 26 WARNING: Upgrade> unInstallAndInstallApacheService>> UnInstalling / Installing Apache service...
2021-12-16 18:47:24.730 THREAD 26 WARNING: SemServiceManager> uninstallApacheService>> Uninstalling apache service done! Process return code = 0. Apache service account is deleted from SeServiceLogonRight option ? true
2021-12-16 18:47:26.433 THREAD 26 WARNING: SemServiceManager> installApacheService>> Apache service instllaltion succeeded.
2021-12-16 18:47:26.542 THREAD 26 WARNING: Upgrade> reinstallTomcatSemsrvService>> UnInstalling / Installing Tomcat service...
2021-12-16 18:47:26.605 THREAD 26 INFO: The Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager service is not started.More help is available by typing NET HELPMSG 3521.
2021-12-16 18:47:26.605 THREAD 26 INFO: SemServiceManager> serviceControl>> Executed command - stop semsrv, process return value = 2
2021-12-16 18:47:26.605 THREAD 26 INFO: SemServiceManager> waitForServiceTermination>> Waiting for service termination: semsrv
2021-12-16 18:47:26.605 THREAD 26 INFO: SemServiceManager> getServiceStatus>> Retrieve status for service semsrv
2021-12-16 18:47:26.636 THREAD 26 INFO: SemServiceManager> getServiceStatus>> The status for semsrv' service is 1
2021-12-16 18:47:26.652 THREAD 26 INFO: SemServiceManager> waitForServiceTermination>> Service is stopped.
2021-12-16 18:47:26.652 THREAD 26 WARNING: SemServiceManager> uninstallServiceByName>> Trying to uninstall semsrv service, #: 1
2021-12-16 18:47:26.698 THREAD 26 INFO: SemServiceManager> uninstallServiceByName>> Uninstall service semsrv, return code = 0
2021-12-16 18:47:27.730 THREAD 26 INFO: 'semsrv' service is installed... <-- the service is still in "installed" state
2021-12-16 18:47:27.730 THREAD 26 INFO: STATE : 1 STOPPED
2021-12-16 18:47:27.730 THREAD 26 WARNING: SemServiceManager> uninstallServiceByName>> Trying to uninstall semsrv service, #: 2
2021-12-16 18:47:27.777 THREAD 26 INFO: SemServiceManager> uninstallServiceByName>> Uninstall service semsrv, return code = -6 <-- failed
2021-12-16 18:47:28.808 THREAD 26 INFO: 'semsrv' service is installed...
2021-12-16 18:47:28.808 THREAD 26 INFO: STATE : 1 STOPPED
2021-12-16 18:47:28.808 THREAD 26 WARNING: SemServiceManager> uninstallServiceByName>> Uninstalling semsrv service done! Return code = -6, isServiceInstalled = true
2021-12-16 18:47:28.808 THREAD 26 SEVERE: Upgrade> reinstallTomcatSemsrvService>> Failed to uninstall Tomcat service.
SEPM 14.3 RU2
Uninstall/install Tomcat service failed while upgrading the SEPM
Manually uninstall the Tomcat and rest-api services before starting the SEPM upgrade.
1) Manually stopped all the SEPM 14.3 RU2 services.
2) Ran the following commands from CMD to manually uninstall the SEPM tomcat and API services.
sc delete semsrv
sc delete semapisrv
3) Install the SEPM 14.3 RU3 or higher.