WSTOMSTC failing because CCI library cannot be loaded
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WSTOMSTC failing because CCI library cannot be loaded


Article ID: 231418


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The STC WSTOMSTC for Endevor Web Services is failing - the last message in the sysout is: 

JVM Native code failed to load CCI library. 




Release : 18.1

Component : Endevor Software Change Manager


Issue 'D IPLINFO' system command to find out the ZOS architecture level. 

ARCHLVL = 2     - 64 bit ZOS
ARCHLVL = 1     - 31 bit ZOS

Install Web services using 64 bit Java on 31 bit addressing Z/OS could run into the following error:  
JVM. Native code failed to load CCI library.

Solution is to reinstall web services using 31 bit Java. 

Also make sure: 

  • Library xxxx.CCS.Pxx.CAW0PLD in the Linklist (for example - sys1.linklib) and the module LIBCCI is present in the library. 


If web services is installed using 64 bit Java on 64 bit ZOS

1) check if the the correct JAVA Program is used in WSTOMSTC JCL:

//WSTOMSTC PROC LEPARM=,               < Optional LE parm               
// ARGS='start',                       < Args to Java class             
// JAVACLS='org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap', < Java Start        
// VERSION='86',                       < JVM version (64 bit)           
// ENV=WSTOMENV,                       < Env variable member name       
// LOGLVL='  '                         < Set log level to none          
//*LOGLVL='+I'                         < Set log level to Info          
//*LOGLVL='+T'                         < Set log level to Trace         
//*LOGLVL='+D'                         < Set log level to debug         . 
//* Start the Tomcat Server                                             
//TOMCAT  EXEC PGM=JVMLDM&VERSION,REGION=0M,                            


JVMLDM80 is for 31 bit Java8, JVMLDM86 is for 64 bit Java 8, JVMLDM16 is for 64 bit JAVA 11.   

2)  Check if 64 bit Java support PTF for CA Common Services (CCS) has been applied.



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