After installing/upgrading Spectrum to 21.2.6 there are many DIFFERENT TYPE MODEL alarms and devices be being modeled incorrectly as PhoenixSwitch or PhoenixRouter
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After installing/upgrading Spectrum to 21.2.6 there are many DIFFERENT TYPE MODEL alarms and devices be being modeled incorrectly as PhoenixSwitch or PhoenixRouter


Article ID: 231397


Updated On:


CA Spectrum DX NetOps


After upgrading to 21.2.6 there are many DIFFERENT TYPE MODEL alarms present in the OneClick console.

Running script does not work or help.

Also being seen is modeling new devices of various types are modeled as the wrong model type - they are PhoenixSwitch or PhoenixRouter


Release : 21.2.6



Code changes around the certification of Phoenix Vendor devices caused this issue to occur.


Engineering identified the issue and corrected this in patch 21.02.06.PTF_21.2.601.

Please reach out to Support to obtain this patch.

Additional Information

After the patch has been installed then it is necessary to delete and rediscover any incorrect PhoenixSwitch or PhoenixRouter Model types that should be GnSNMPDev and all Different Model Type alarms should be cleared.

The current release of 21.2.6 that has issues has been pulled from release and the new release of Spectrum 21.2.6 will not have this problem and will not need a patch.  We strongly suggest if upgrading a live environment to wait for the re-release so that it is not necessary to destroy and rediscover all incorrect model types that were wrongly converted to PhoenixSwitch or PhoenixRouter.