View - JES message and Sysprint output not being captured by View
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View - JES message and Sysprint output not being captured by View


Article ID: 231392


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We customized a proc in our test system, so that all of its output should go to a pre-defined View destination of CAVIEW.

However, only part of it is going to View.

The SYSPRINT and other output is not being captured by View.

This is what we see in SDSF when displaying the proc output.


 2100 JOB DATA SET DISPLAY - JOB DMSAR    (STC00991)    LINE 1-8 (8)            
 NP   DDNAME   StepName ProcStep DSID Owner    C Dest               Rec-Cnt Page
    JESJCLIN                      1 XXXXX    A                          4    
    JESMSGLG JES2                 2 XXXXX    V SDSF                    33    
    JESJCL   JES2                 3 XXXXX    V SDSF                    52    
    JESYSMSG JES2                 4 XXXXX    V SDSF                    98    
    $INTTEXT JES2                 5 XXXXX    A                         20    
    EVENTLOG JES2                 8 XXXXX    A                          4    
    MTFLIBDG XXXXX   XXXXX     102 XXXXX    A CAVIEW                  51    
    MSGPRINT XXXXX   XXXXX     104 XXXXX    A CAVIEW                  10    

The JES related messages are not going to View, though we coded destination VIEW1 in the JCL cards.

This is what we see in View:


 2100 ew JOB ------------------- Data Set List -------------- Row 00001 of 00002
 Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> PAGE 
   Job    ---> DMSAR       Jobid  ---> STC00936                                 
Sel DDname   Stepname Procstep    DSID      Lines      Pages                    
  MTFLIBDG XXXXX   XXXXX        102         33          1                  
  MSGPRINT XXXXX   XXXXX        104         11          1                  
 ******************************* Bottom of Data ********************************

Would you hep us find the problem, please?


Release : 14.0

Component : View


The client's job card was as below, where the JES datasets are defined with DEFAULT=YES, JESDS=ALL, and DEST=SDSF.

So, the JES datasets were sent to destination SDSF, which was not a defined destination for View, so View would not pick them up. 

//@GENSET@ SET        ARCB=00CC107C,ASID=00048,RTIME=1402415