Freeing heavily used up disk partition space
For the partition space full issue reported, please complete the below and send us
run "df -h" in order to find the disk allocation on the server:
fireglass@fireglass-vb4:/var/cache/browser_cache/cache$ CLIENT_IDS=$(sudo fgcli stats all | grep 'client_id\"' | awk -F'"' '{printf("%s\\|", $4)}' ); ls /var/cache/browser_cache/cache/ | grep -v "{$CLIENT_IDS::-2}" | xargs -I {} sh -c
"echo removing /var/cache/browser_cache/cache/{} && rm -rf /var/cache/browser_cache/cache/{} && echo removed /var/cache/browser_cache/cache/{}"
Look for big files in /var/tmp, most of the files in this directory can be removed (if you suspect that a specific files can't-leave it)
All the other directories listed above, use the command "ll -Srh" to have a simple summary for the size of each file (ordered by their size) and remove the ones not relevant.
Customer may share the full output, from running the "df -h" script. For any directory with the very high space utilization, please remove what's irrelevant, to free the needed space. This is the way to resolve the disk space utilization issues.