The following command is used to change the service class of work currently in execution:
Is possible to protect the use of specific service classes in a RESET command?
Release : 16.0
Component : Top Secret for z/OS
When the RESET command is issued to change a service class the security call generated does not contain the service class name so Top Secret will not be able to protect the use of specific service classes in a RESET command
If USER01 has the TRACE attribute and the SECTRACE control option is enabled in Top Secret the following command :
generates the following SECTRACE data:
TSS-C-0000*USER01 USER01 T OPERCMDS2008 G/0400000000,0000000000
TSS-1 600000000000 00000000 T/8000040401 MVS.RESET
CA Top Secret does not generate the security calls, only intercepts them.
In this sectrace the security call generated by the system is for the resource OPERCMDS and the resource name MVS.RESET
The Service class (BATCHCLS) does not appear in the security call so it can not be protected by Top Secret.