Issued changerole command but failed with error;
20220510 07:56:55.491 [hac] [ERROR] ShutdownHook.EspressoStopper: [2022-05-10_07:56:55.489] Peer server cannot be found via RMI. Cannot Change Roles.
java.rmi.UnmarshalException: Error unmarshaling return header; nested exception is: Read timed out
Component: Workload Automation DE
Increase the time out value for the HAC RMI client socket in <DE_installation_directory>/conf/ is 30 seconds.
For example:
## Uncomment the following property to overwrite the default 30 seconds time out for the HAC RMI client socket. The time out value should in milliseconds.
This sets the time out vaue to 120 secs.
You need to restart the DE Server for the change to take effect.