What's New in CSP 8.0.2
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What's New in CSP 8.0.2


Article ID: 231311


Updated On:


Critical System Protection


Release notes for CSP 8.0.2


Release : 8.0.2

Component : Release notes


Symantec Critical System Protection (CSP) 8.0.2 contains the following feature updates:

Tomcat and AdoptOpenJRE (Java Runtime Environment) updates:

  • Starting with version 8.0.2, Symantec Critical System Protection: Server Advanced uses Tomcat version 9 and AdoptOpenJRE 11

  • The support for AdoptOpenJRE 11 is available only on Windows Server 2012 and above versions

The Management Server and the Java Console are now supported only on the Windows systems that are running Windows Server 2012 and above

The Windows agent is now supported on Windows 7 and above

Third Party components updates:

  • Third party components are now upgraded to the latest versions where applicable

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