SKIP_RECORD feature of Smart/RESTART
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SKIP_RECORD feature of Smart/RESTART


Article ID: 231282


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Smart Restart


Tried to use the SKIP_RECORD feature of Smart/RESTART to aid in the recovery.
Wanted to skip over input records that were causing Abends. 
Added the following two commands to the RAINPUT:
Got the error messages:
RAI998E - Abend U 2200 detected in subtask DCRA     Reason = 00000000
SRS096E - The Smart/RESTART abend handler detected an application failure
SRS096E - Smart/RESTART will flag the JOB as abended and requiring RESTART
SRS168E - An U2200 ABEND has occurred
SRSA23W - Abend U2200 defined as ineligible for an automatic restart
SRSA23W - Eligibility may be specified through the ABEND_TRAP profile command
These messages said to use the ABEND_TRAP command.


The following specification is invalid:
Instead, specify the parameter as follows:
Note, there are two (2) parenthesis around the abend code and the recovery type operands.
The SKIP_RECORD feature allows for a maximum of one (1) automatic restart only, so add the following command as well:
See sample JCL in member SRSRASR of the DCASAMP library for example on how to use the SKIP_RECORD feature. JCL in member SRSBASR allows you to compile and link-edit a sample
program named SRS8ASR, so you can see how the SKIP_RECORD feature works within the provided sample program. To work with the the SKIP_RECORD feature make your JCL as close as
possible to the JCL in SRSRASR member of the DCASAMP library.