How to perform ITPAM Agent Silent Uninstallation ?
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How to perform ITPAM Agent Silent Uninstallation ?


Article ID: 231276


Updated On:


CA Process Automation Base


We have ITPAM Agent on around 500+ servers and want to uninstall the Agent from all the servers.

So, looking for silent uninstallation option.


Release : 4.3.X

Component : Process Automation


There is no silent uninstallation support in any of the ITPAM components (including agents). 


Having said that, perform below workaround steps using any scripting language to achieve the agent uninstallation process.

  1. Stop the ITPAM agent windows service
  2. Delete the agent installation folders 
  3. Run the command to delete the windows service entry: "sc delete <service name>"
  4. The above steps completes the agent uninstallation. 

Now, the Agent entries need to be deleted from "Configuration" tab in ITPAM UI (by logging in as Administrator). Please refer to the below link for the detailed steps on how to delete Agent from the Configuration tab:


  • The above workaround steps is applicable only for Windows Agents.
  • Please note that this is only a workaround suggestion. It is highly recommended that this needs to be tested on one agent initially before using the solution for all existing agents at a production level.