OAuth DB Connection Error using Oracle db
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OAuth DB Connection Error using Oracle db


Article ID: 231194


Updated On:


CA API Gateway


When we call our  api services, sometimes we are getting below database error.

"Perform JDBC Query" assertion failed due to: Cannot retrieve a C3P0 DataSource: No connections available for 'OAuth' No connections available for 'OAuth'

When we get this error, I try to test connection from "JDBC Connection Properties" screen and it can connect successfully.

For a resolution we change max pool size value (increase or decresase, it doesn't matter), like from 100 to 150 or from 100 to 50.


Release : 10.0

Component :


Remove the following setting from the JDBC connection settings to prevent the connection never times out when it is closed for some reason .

 c3p0.maxConnectionAge 0