Beacon service not starting when there is an orphan service
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Beacon service not starting when there is an orphan service


Article ID: 231193


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Clarity PPM On Premise


The beacon service is not starting. Errors as follows:

2021/12/22 18:06:10.384 | Launching a JVM...
2021/12/22 18:06:10.585 | WrapperManager: Initializing...
2021/12/22 18:06:11.187 | Failed to communicate: : 9090
2021/12/22 18:06:13.498 | on_exit trigger matched.  Restarting the JVM.  (Exit code: 1)
2021/12/22 18:06:17.906 | Launching a JVM...
2021/12/22 18:06:18.107 | WrapperManager: Initializing...
2021/12/22 18:06:18.710 | Failed to communicate: : 9090
2021/12/22 18:06:21.012 | on_exit trigger matched.  Restarting the JVM.  (Exit code: 1)
2021/12/22 18:06:25.419 | Launching a JVM...
2021/12/22 18:06:25.620 | WrapperManager: Initializing...
2021/12/22 18:06:26.223 | Failed to communicate: : 9090
2021/12/22 18:06:28.533 | on_exit trigger matched.  Restarting the JVM.  (Exit code: 1)
2021/12/22 18:06:32.939 | Launching a JVM...
2021/12/22 18:06:33.140 | WrapperManager: Initializing...
2021/12/22 18:06:33.743 | Failed to communicate: : 9090
2021/12/22 18:06:36.059 | on_exit trigger matched.  Restarting the JVM.  (Exit code: 1)
2021/12/22 18:06:40.466 | Launching a JVM...
2021/12/22 18:06:40.667 | WrapperManager: Initializing...
2021/12/22 18:06:41.271 | Failed to communicate: : 9090
2021/12/22 18:06:43.591 | on_exit trigger matched.  Restarting the JVM.  (Exit code: 1)
2021/12/22 18:06:43.691 | There were 5 failed launches in a row, each lasting less than 300 seconds.  Giving up.
2021/12/22 18:06:43.691 |   There may be a configuration problem: please check the logs.
2021/12/22 18:06:43.892 | <-- Wrapper Stopped 


Orphan beacon service is running


Please proceed as follows:

  1. Stop all clarity services using the command "service stop all"
  2. If Unix/Linux run command "ps -ef | grep java" or "ps -ef | grep beacon" and check if there were some Orphaned beacon processes still running
  3. Run command "kill -9 <listed orphan pids>
  4. Start all services by running "service start all"