Job schedule report
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Job schedule report


Article ID: 231160


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CA Workload Automation AE - Scheduler (AutoSys)


I'm trying to generate a job report that shows the run days for all jobs and also for active jobs. 

SQL query would be the best. I already have some examples

select distinct j.job_name, j.MACH_NAME, c.command, j.create_stamp from ujo_job j inner join ujo_command_job c on j.joid = c.joid where j.is_active=1 and j.is_currver=1


Release : 11.3.6

Component : CA Workload Automation AE (AutoSys)


We do not recommend or encourage clients to query the db directly.
The db tables and schema are for the product's use.
Additional queries against the tables could impact things like the database's explain plans for the tables and lead to poor performance.  
Also the tables and schema, can and will, change from version to version.
We do not want clients to take time to develop a query only to find out it then does not work after they upgrade.

You can use commands like autorep or forecast to show job's definitions or predicted run times.

autorep -q -J ALL |grep -e insert_ -e days_of -e calendar -e start_

forecast -F "12/22/2021 00:00" -T "12/24/2021 00:00"

Or use WCC's Quick Edit to display all jobs using a specific calendar or run day.

If you must specifically hit the db, we would recommend you look at the ujo_jobst view.
That specifically only sees active jobs and it includes most job fields.