Initial information to start troubleshooting Web Isolation issues
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Initial information to start troubleshooting Web Isolation issues


Article ID: 231133


Updated On:


Web Isolation


When troubleshooting an issue with Web Isolation, Technical Support will require some files to be uploaded. The nature of the issue will define which files will be required to upload.


  • Indicate if your deployment is on-prem or on-cloud.

  • Indicate which version you are running.
  1. Record a video reproducing the issue.

  2. Run fgdiag (https://<url>/fgdiag) on the browser, take a screenshot and save the output after it finishes loading.

  3. Open browser Developer tools (press F12) and save a client HAR file. Follow this article:

  4. If the page can be isolated, press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+K on the browser and click "Show Minimized Canvas".

  5. If the page can be isolated, press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+K on the browser and click "Show Client Monitor". This is to identify which TIE gateway browser is connected. Take a screenshot while this tool is running.

  6. (Only if on-prem) Enable Debug Level on the gateway involved with the request (remember to disable it afterwards to prevent any performance impact). In System Configuration > Gateways > Edit (pencil icon) the gateway, scroll down till the end, click More... and set the Debug Level to Debug in the Advanced section.

  7. (Only if on-prem) Go to Profiles > Application Data Protection > Edit (pencil icon):

    - Under Permissions section > Additional Resources > check the box for "Open developer tools remotely" > Click UPDATE and PUSH SETTINGS...
    - Press Ctrl+Q on the browser to display the Advanced Options screen and click Remote Developer Tools.
    - Reproduce the issue while the new developer tool tab that appears is running. This will generate a server-side HAR file. Save it next to the client HAR file.

  8. (Only if on-prem) Log into your affected gateway(s) (found by Show Client Monitor) via SSH and enter the following command: fg_machine_status

    - This will generate a file in the /var/tmp directory. SCP the file out and save it.

  9. (Only if on-prem) Export Activity Logs by going to Reports > Activity Logs and clicking EXPORT... This will generate a CSV file that you can download when the prompt saying Export Complete appears.

Upload the files through your Broadcom Portal.