The AutoSys application server fails to start with message CAUAJM_E_10192
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The AutoSys application server fails to start with message CAUAJM_E_10192


Article ID: 231097


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Autosys Workload Automation


The Application server service startup failed in the Autosys high availability environments. The following message has been captured in the as_server log ($AUTOUSER/out/as_server.$AUTOSERV) -

# sh-4.2$ tail -f $AUTOUSER/out/as_server.POC

[12/22/2021 15:37:22] CAUAJM_I_40244 EnableIPCaching value set to <1>.
[12/22/2021 15:37:22] CAUAJM_I_40244 LogMaxEndLines value set to <2,000>.
[12/22/2021 15:37:22] CAUAJM_I_40211 Using TZ = Australia/Sydney.
[12/22/2021 15:37:22] CAUAJM_I_10655 System is running in single server mode. Event server: AUTOSYS_DEV.
[12/22/2021 15:37:22] CAUAJM_I_10944 Successfully purged <as_server.POC.12142021>.
[12/22/2021 15:37:22] CAUAJM_I_10942 Application server log files purged successfully.
[12/22/2021 15:37:38] CAUAJM_W_10908 System appears to have another running application server with the same AutoServerAliasId on machine: Checking for application server activity.
[12/22/2021 15:37:44] CAUAJM_E_10192 The AutoSys application server with the same AutoServerAliasId is already running on machine: Shutting down.
[12/22/2021 15:37:44] CAUAJM_I_30004 AutoSys Application Server shutdown complete.
[12/22/2021 15:37:44] CAUAJM_I_30000 AutoSys Application Server exiting.


There are more than one application servers are installed with the same AutoServerAliasId in the environment.


The AutoServerAliasId is a unique identifier for each application server for communications. The Environment can not have an application server running with the same AutoServerAliasId.

Edit the Autosys Configuration file ($AUTOUSER/config.$AUTSERV) and update the value for the property "AutoServerAliasId" to be unique.

Save the file and restart the application server service.

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