AutoSys R12SP1_Cum2 Install Error on Linux - There is no 99111248.jcl or 99111248.JCL
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AutoSys R12SP1_Cum2 Install Error on Linux - There is no 99111248.jcl or 99111248.JCL


Article ID: 230856


Updated On:


Autosys Workload Automation


When attempting to install the cumulative 2 patch to AutoSys R12P1 on Linux, it errors out saying it can't find the jcl file...

 ./ -t S -f  99111248 -d ORA -u aedbadmin -p XXXXXXXX -s AUTOSYSDB

************ Checking the AutoSys Workload Automation environment ************

************ The AutoSys Workload Automation environment check is complete ************

Using default Java directory: /opt/CA/WorkloadAutomationAE/JRE64_WA.

There is no  99111248.jcl or  99111248.JCL in /tmp/patch.

Confirmed that the 99111248.jcl does exist in the temporary directory where the patch was extracted and is readable.



Release : 12

Component : CA Workload Automation AE (AutoSys)


This issue can occur when the command line is copied from a Windows text editing utility such as Word or One Note. That can result in unprintable control characters finding their way into the command when pasted to the Linux command line. When that occurs, the command line arguments might not be read properly.


Ensure when copying text from Windows to a Linux terminal session, you are copying it from a plain text editor such as Notepad.