Events in Spectrum Report Manager (SRM) are updating slower for one landscape than others.
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Events in Spectrum Report Manager (SRM) are updating slower for one landscape than others.


Article ID: 230823


Updated On:


CA Spectrum DX NetOps


The "last event time" is not updating in the SRM or report manager processing is slow / behind:

This SRM is monitoring 2 landscapes, and the event time is not updating for just one of the landscapes.

Working landscape:

mysql> select MAX(time), hex(landscape_h) from event where hex(landscape_h)='A000000';
| MAX(time)           | hex(landscape_h) |
| 2022-05-17 12:44:42 | A000000          |


On the non-working landscape: - (Last updated on 5th Dec)

mysql> select MAX(time), hex(landscape_h) from event where hex(landscape_h)='B000000';


| MAX(time)           | hex(landscape_h) |


| 2021-12-05 15:45:39 | B000000          |



Release : Any

Component : Spectrum Reporting


The non-working landscape has a very large number of events in the Archive Manager (DDM) database to log. By default, only 10007 events at a time are sent from the DDM database to the SRM reporting database.


On the non-working landscape, edit the file:


Add the following parameter:


Save the file. Then, restart the Archive Manager (ArchMgr) process for the change to take affect.

NOTE: remember to set the parameter back to "10007" once the bulk sync is completed, else you may experience other performance issues later on.