Remove Delete Button on Timesheet Adjustments
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Remove Delete Button on Timesheet Adjustments


Article ID: 230817


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


In 15.9.1 the Delete button was reintroduced on timesheet adjustments. Since 15.9.1 tasks can be deleted on adjusted timesheets causing data integrity on financial transactions

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Go to the Modern UX or Classic UI timesheets
  2. Edit any timesheet on an Open Status
  3. Add a task to the timesheet and enter some actuals
  4. Submit, Approve and Post the timesheet
  5. Edit the posted timesheet and adjust it

Expected Results: NO DELETE Button should appear for Timesheet Adjustments. 

Actual Results: The DELETE Button appears for Timesheet Adjustments. This causes data integrity for financial transactions. 



Clarity 15.9.1, 15.9.2, 15.9.3,16.0


This was introduced as part of DE58656 and tracked as DE63506


The defect is fixed in 16.0.1 and also targeted to fix in 15.9.3 patch 5