An interruption is reported with the flow of metric data to a MOI appliance.
In order to investigate the cause, the logs for the CCS Message Service Server should be collected and provided to Broadcom Technical Support Case for investigation.
The Common Services Message Service Server STC (installation default name ZMSSTART) is used to collect metric data and then send it to a MOI appliance.
When there is an issue with this service, please collect the following MSS Troubleshooting doc for problem analysis:
1) Capture the default ZMSSTART ( or the name of the MSS STC that was chosen during MSS installation) STC job output and upload it to a Broadcom Support Case
2) Zip up the USS messageService directory and its subdirectories using the zip command below for the Message Service Server and upload it to a Broadcom Support Case
Command: zip -r <output_file> <folder>
Example: zip -r <INSTALL HOME>/deploy/cfgb/instance/messageService
where <INSTALL HOME>/deploy/cfgb/instance/messageService (captures entire folder contents of 'brokerData', 'config', 'database', and 'logs').
The path name for the deploy/cfgb/instance file name in USS can be found in the ZMSSTART job output by doing a find for ‘INSTALL_HOME’.