Sometimes when a machine is doing 2 consecutive DOMAIN moves quickly (A->B and B->A) , Move Task is ignored and machine appears at both DOMAIN at the same time.
In Windows Event Viewer Application following message appears :
09/05/2021 12:54:07
Move of computer with LAN ID compname from domain with LAN ID domainname ignored, exit code: 16.
- In RepMan logs we could see following lines when move is ignored :
141220-07:40:57.9688099L|002668|00000bf0|RepMan|RM:00|cmpmv.cxx|001527|INFO| ComputerMover - Computer_Get succeeded for: CompName
141220-07:40:57.9688476L|002668|00000bf0|RepMan|RM:00|cmpmv.cxx|002126|INFO| ComputerMover - Ignore the obsolete machine.
RepMan |RM:00 |cmpmv.cxx |001117|DETAIL | ComputerMover - DeleteObsolete enabled
RepMan |RM:00 |cmpmv.cxx |001569|INFO | ComputerMover - Computer_Get succeeded for: CompName
RepMan |RM:00 |cmpmv.cxx |002168|INFO | ComputerMove - Asset back to previous DM?? Deleting the obsolete machine.
RepMan |RM:00 |cmpmv.cxx |002506|INFO | ComputerMover - Adding to list for deregistering with object Id: B1F54C32-782A-44BA-AE44-5AF88ABFD5E5 Computer name: CompName
RepMan |RM:00 |cmpmv.cxx |000998|DETAIL | ComputerMover - DeregisterTarget Entered:
RepMan |RM:00 |cmpmv.cxx |001008|INFO | ComputerMover - Deregistering computer with object Id: B1F54C32-782A-44BA-AE44-5AF88ABFD5E5
RepMan |SDGAPI |Compdac.cxx |000530|INFO | TNGSDG_Computer_Deregister[4]: Begin.
RepMan |SDGAPI |Compdac.cxx |000530|INFO | TNGSDG_Computer_Deregister[4]: End. Message: OK(0)
RepMan |RM:00 |cmpmv.cxx |001018|DETAIL | ComputerMover - DeregisterTarget Completed