While installing Patch ID Layer7_API_PlatformUpdate_64bit_v10.X-CentOS-2021-11-23 on a newly installed GW, there is a message about This patch requires that the 10.X Platform Update be installed first.
Please see below:
Patch ID Layer7_API_PlatformUpdate_64bit_v10.X-CentOS-2021-11-23 (Upgrades the Layer7 API 64bit Platform to the 10.X-CentOS-2021-11-23 version. This patch requires that the 10.X Platform Update be installed first. It also requires a restart of the Layer7 API Gateway Appliance.) is INSTALLED, last modified on 2021-12-13T10:45:57-0800
Is there a patch (platform/security) required after installed new Gateway?
API Gateway 10.1
The platform patch is required. Please reach out to Support if you need the Platform Update patch.
As of June 30th, 2024, Gateway 10.1 has reached its End of Service date and is no longer supported.