We've integrated Identity Manager(IM) with Service Desk Manager. We then built REST service calls in PolicyX in IM.
When logging and Incident, the category is correctly populated in SDM. However, when the call is changed to a Request, with the same message, the category is not populated.
Sample REST Message
"name": "Test for Log collection, Terminate BSS Access for user <username> (<username>)",
"assigneeUserID": "IDMRequests",
"assigneeGroup": "cnt:xxxxxx",
"category": "pcat:111",
"affectedCIID": "IDMRequests",
"affectedEndUserID": "IDMRequests",
"description": "Investigate: User <username> has been terminated. Please terminate corresponding BSS account: <username>.",
"comment": [
"commentText": "Incident needs to be addressed immediately",
"commentType": "assistance: invite end user to a session - incident"
Release : 14.3
Component : IdentityMinder(Identity Manager)
Manual mappings: