How can we check the version of DA, DC, and Vertica version on DR?
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How can we check the version of DA, DC, and Vertica version on DR?


Article ID: 230625


Updated On:


CA Performance Management - Usage and Administration DX NetOps


Please let us know how can we check the version on DA, DC, and Vertica version on DR? 


Release : 3.7 / 20.x / 21.x

Component : IM Reporting / Admin / Configuration


On the PC machine:

cat /opt/CA/PerformanceCenter/InstallLogs/.history

On the DA machine:

cat /opt/IMDataAggregator/Logs/.history

On the DC machine:

cat /opt/IMDataCollector/Logs/.history

On the DR - Vertica machine:

cd /opt/vertica/bin

./vsql -U dauser -W   (prompt for password)

./vsql -U dradmin -W   (prompt for password)

./vsql -U dauser -w dapass (this is an example, your password may be different)

./vsql -U dradmin -w dbpass (this is an example, your password may be different)

Then run this query:

dauser=> SELECT version();

Example of the output of the query:
 Vertica Analytic Database v9.1.1-5
(1 row)


Or you check in the Vertica admintools utility.

Here are the steps:

Logged as root switch to the dradmin account:

$ su - dradmin

Navigate to the /opt/vertica/bin/ directory (OOB directory - you may have installed in a different directory):

$ cd /opt/vertica/bin/

Launch the admintools utility:

$ ./admintools

You will see the Vertica version at the top of the admintools window above.

Additional Information

Vertica versions by CAPM versions