Data Center Security Server AdvancedCritical System Protection
Commands to shrink database manually.
Following can be performed to shrink the partition.
Run the below command for the partition files which are consuming GB's of space. EXEC sp_helpfile
Run the below command to check the time stamp of the partition
select top 1 * from CSPEVENT with (NOLOCK) where event_dt_day_of_Yr = <Partition number>
Run the query to find the number of events in particular partition select count from CSPEVENT with (NOLOCK) where event_dt_day_of_Yr = <Partition number>
Once confirmed that events are zero, then ran the below command to shrink the partition. dbcc shrinkfile (<PartitionName>, target_size) Note : Target_size is in MB
The Partition got shrinked successfully and the disk space was reclaimed.