AAI "Late Time" for some Jobstreams showing earlier then Predicted Start Time
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AAI "Late Time" for some Jobstreams showing earlier then Predicted Start Time


Article ID: 230594


Updated On:


Automic Automation Intelligence


AAI "Late Time" for some Jobstreams showing earlier then Predicted Start Time, when using a User Defined Late Time, which will cause an False Exceeded SLA Alert.


In some cases you may see the Late Time, show a time earlier then the Predicted Start time on the current day that the jobstream is predicted to run, when the Late Time should be set to the following day.


In other cases when a Late Time is closer to just before midnight and the predicted start time is within a few hours of midnight, when the Late Time should be the same day, it is set to the previous day.


In both cases when the Jobstream run starts, the Late Time is already breached and a False Exceeded SLA Alert is triggered.


Release : 6.3.0-1



You should be able to work around this by Configuring an Override for the late time.

1. Edit Jobstream, and go to Late Criterion tab.

2. Select "Options" under the End User Time section and select the box to "Override automatic calculation"


  • If the Late Time is getting set for the previous day and you expect it to be set to the current day you can set this value to "0".
  • If the Late Time is getting set to the same day, when you expect it to be set to the following day, you can select "1"


3. Wait several minutes for the next cycle of data to process and check the Monitoring tab for the next Forecasted run of this jobstream and compare the "Predicted Start Time" and "Late Time" columns to see if the Late Time date is now correct.