"322 [  XC/0] general Error" consuming non-Gen Web Service
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"322 [  XC/0] general Error" consuming non-Gen Web Service


Article ID: 230591


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Gen Gen - Workstation Toolset Gen - Run Time Distributed Gen - Host Encyclopedia


We have a SOAP Web Service which was created using an IBM Integration Bus Broker flow (calls a SOAP Input Node and transforms the message into a String and places the message into an MQ) that is deployed on the Execution Group in IIB. The WSDL for this web service is as per our organization standards.
Now we are trying to consume the above SOAP Web Service in a new Gen 8.6 model using the Call External statement.
We have generated the Procedure Step (which calls a CAB that in turn consumes the above web service) as an EJB Webservice. However when trying to test the EJB Web Service from SOAP UI, seeing error message "322 [  XC/0] general Error" in the response:
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
         <faultstring>ERROR CAB_CONSUME@0000000001,0022020097,0 322 [  XC/0] general Error (faultCode: soapenv:Server)</faultstring>
            <ns1:Exception xmlns:ns1="http://tempuri.org/SwzzTestConsume/">
               <message xmlns:ns2="http://tempuri.org/SwzzTestConsume/">ERROR CAB_CONSUME@0000000001,0022020097,0 322 [  XC/0] general Error (faultCode: soapenv:Server)</message>


Release : 8.62

Component : Gen Enterprise Java Beans


1. Customer's IIB Broker flow web service wsdl contains SOAP headers.
The Gen Call External does not currently support SOAP headers.
Thus going forward to enable Call External to process any wsdl with SOAP headers the "soap:header" needs to be manually removed from the wsdl. Any SOAP header information will then of course be lost as part of that process.

2. In addition there was a requirement to create a new version of GenWSDLParser.dll to fix another problem found with the parser related to the wsdl. The .wsdl file contains this:
<xsd:element name="ProcessData" type="pp:ProcessDataIn"/>
So ProcessData is defined as an element with type ProcessDataIn and that type is defined elsewhere (ProcessDataInServiceType.xsd) as:
<xsd:complexType name="ProcessDataIn">
The wsdl parser was previously incorrectly including the extra tag for UpdateResidencyIssueDataIn.
The fix has been published as official PTF TSN86223/LU0434. which has ben superseded by 8.6.3 Consolidation PTF WKS86300/LU06327

Additional Information

To request Call External to be able to support SOAP headers more extensively a new Enhancement Request/Idea has been created on the Ideas Community page: Need CALL EXTERNAL to support SOAP Services with Headers