NetOps Portal is unable to connect to LDAP Active Directory and so no user can logon to the Portal web UI.
Users are unable to log in to the NetOps Portal web UI using their LDAP Active Directory based account.
LDAPS for HTTPS is configured. The LDAPS configuration via SsoConfig is as follows. It was working fine before, but no longer does.
Connection User: {0}
Search Domain: LDAPS://<LDAP_Host>:636/ou=<value>,ou=<value>,DC=<value>,DC=<value>
Search String: [sAMAccountName={0}}
Search Scope: Subtree
User Bind: Disabled
Encryption: DIGEST-MD5
Account User: {SAMAccountname}
Account User Default Clone: user
Status: Enabled
Timeout: 10000
Using the Test LDAP option via SsoConfig to Validate LDAP Settings returns the following error:
Could not obtain a DirectoryContext.
javax.naming.CommunicationException: simple bind failed: <LDAP_Host>:636 [Root exception is Connection or outbound has closed]
Bind to the directory failed.
All supported DX NetOps Performance Management releases
The existing HTTPS Certificate from LDAPS had changed but was not yet updated / imported in the NetOps Portal system.
Export the new HTTPS SSL Certificate from the LDAP server and import it to NetOps Portal.
The steps to complete that process are found on the Import the LDAP Certificate documentation page.