Clicking save in insideView on Spectrum OneClick web page deletes the contents of the .conf file
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Clicking save in insideView on Spectrum OneClick web page deletes the contents of the .conf file


Article ID: 230514


Updated On:


CA Spectrum


Spectrum Version is 21.2.x

while setting up gafana from

Set Up Spectrum Performance View
1. Configure the Spectrum InsideView
2. Install and Import Dashboard in Grafana
3. Customize Influx Database

on step 1 when i save the config page in OC web admin, it deletes the contents of the conf file at


and wipes the config from the web page

restarting tomcat and the server did not repopulate the file.  This file comes populated at install.



Release : 21.x

Component : Spectrum OneClick


There is a problem with the snakeyaml-1.9 jar on Spectrum 21.2.x


We will replace snakeyaml-1.9 jar with latest snakeyaml-1.30.jar in the next release 21.2.8.

Until then, please avoid to use the OC web page to configure InsideView.  It can be configured from the flat file


or request a copy of snakeyaml-1.30.jar from support to replace the current problematic one.