The Agent Inventory is not correctly updated.
For example, machine that was deleted is still showing as online, some agents improperly report online status even if they are stopped, also agent version does not display correctly in all cases.
Recycling all services didn't addressed the problem.
Dashboard widget on the other hand provides the accurate status.
Release : 12.0, 12.0.01
Component :
Please run following steps which will cleanup the Agent Inventory table and rebuild it again:
1. run SQL statement using the owner of WCC database (for example : wccadmin)
select * from AO_SCHAGENT order by name;
==> this should give you list of system agents known in Agent Inventory
2. go into WCC Configuration tab, select the Autosys server and remove the "Web Services URL" link
3. validate the server again
==> this should clean the AO_SCHAGENT table
4. logoff/login and check "Agent Inventory" tab, there should no longer be agents listed
5. run again the SQL statement
select * from AO_SCHAGENT order by name;
==> this should also return zero rows
6. go back into WCC Configuration tab, select the Autosys server and add again the "Web Services URL" link
7. validate the server again
==> this should have as result that agents are added again
8. wait 10 minutes and check the "Agent Inventory" tab again and check if you have all agents defined and check if information of each agent is accurate.
Monitor ID user must have read access to all machine resources (as-machine policy)