Although the incident persister previously worked, it suddenly stops processing incidents and/or the process will not start.
An error related to java service wrapper may be seen. Other errors indicating memory or other issues are not found.
Enforce DLP servers. All versions that use an Incident Persister configuration file and/or wrapper configuration.
The configuration file SymantecDLPIncidentPersister.conf has changed.
One indication is the file date has changed and/or is different than expected on the SymantecDLPIncidentPersister.conf.
Specifically, one of the application parameters no longer exists as expected.
Edit the SymantecDLPIncidentPersister.conf file.
Assure that the com.vontu.incidenthandler.IncidentPersister exists (usually as setting.)
There may be more than one parameter with the setting.
In the section:
# Application parameters. Add parameters as needed starting from 1
Assure this setting is in place: = com.vontu.incidenthandler.IncidentPersister