CVE-2021-44228: Log4j Vulnerability Remediation in Test Data Manager
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CVE-2021-44228: Log4j Vulnerability Remediation in Test Data Manager


Article ID: 230297


Updated On:


CA Test Data Manager (Data Finder / Grid Tools)


Apache Log4j2 <=2.14.1 JNDI features used in configuration, log messages, and parameters do not protect against attacker controlled LDAP and other JNDI related endpoints.
An attacker who can control log messages or log message parameters can execute arbitrary code loaded from LDAP servers when message lookup substitution is enabled


TDM (All Versions)


Test Data Manager (all versions) is not affected by this vulnerability.
The TDM Product does not use log4j at all. The TDM Products uses Logback version 1.1.7 instead.
The Log4j version 1.2.X is included as part of the orientDB installation but is not actually used or implemented.
This will be removed in the next Patch version.

NOTE:  log4j 1.x in orientdb reference is removed in version TDMWeb-4.9.402.0.

Additional Information

Note that only the log4j-core JAR file is impacted by this vulnerability. Applications using only the log4j-api JAR file without the log4j-core JAR file are not impacted by this vulnerability.

To view the Broadcom Enterprise Software Security Advisory, see