Need assistance removing a Target Account.,Target_App_Name,svc_acct_name
It shows it is in use by another account. When Checking XSIE, it shows the account is being used by a Generic Account generic_acct. Need help at the OS level to get svc_acct_name removed. This has happened before, most likely generic_acct was Unix account at one point and switched to Generic before the master was removed.
The error message is:
PAM-CM-0684: Delete account failed. Target account in use by other accounts.
When an account is moved from one target application to another, PAM fails to remove (mark as deleted) the attributes that were associated with the old target application type. When PAM checked whether this account is configured as "otherAccount" for any other account, it got a hit and blocked deletion.
This is an uncommon problem that may need manual intervention to resolve. If you observe this problem, open a case with PAM Support.